The application used to determine eligibility for a South Carolina Tuition Grant is the
Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA). You can complete the FAFSA online at By submitting the FAFSA directly to the federal government’s processor and listing the
participating South Carolina independent college or university of your choice in the college choice section, the Tuition Grants Commission will be able to electronically receive your application from the federal processor. The Commission will then be able to use your application to determine your eligibility for a South Carolina Tuition Grant.
Also since South Carolina Tuition Grants are only available to legal residents of South Carolina, students and parents should be sure to accurately complete all questions on the FAFSA regarding state residency.
The deadline for receipt of 2025-2026 applications (enrollment in Fall 2025 classes) is August 1, 2025. All eligible applications received by the federal processor by August 1, 2025 will be funded.